How to setup Multi-factor Authentication
Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) is an authentication method that requires the user to provide two or more verification factors to gain access to a resource such as an online application. A factor in authentication is a way of confirming your identity when you try to sign in. For example, a password is one kind of factor; it's a thing you know. The three most common kinds of factors are: Something you know - Like a password, or a memorized PIN Something you have - Like a smartphone, orPopularHow to Use Microsoft Authenticator App One-Time Password Code
How to Use Microsoft Authenticator App One-Time Password Code Note: Ensure you have the Microsoft Authenticator app installed and set up as a security method before proceeding. You can follow the instructions here to add Microsoft Authenticator as a security method. If you’re in an area with weak cell/wifi signal and can't receive notifications, you can use Microsoft Authenticator’s One-Time Password (OTP) feature instead. Log into your Microsoft 365 application using your UOG triton eSome readersI received a suspicious email, what do I do?
DO NOT click or download any suspicious links or files from senders you do not recognize. Report the email as a phish on our system Click the ellipses on the top right-hand side of the email Navigate to Security Options Click Mark as PhiFew readersHow to fill up a ticket for IT Travel Notice
Login at Click on "Create IT Helpdesk Ticket" on the top left hand side. Fill up the necessary contact information accordingly. At the Ticket Information section, under Ticket Type, select "IT Access Travel Notice". Input the following information, based on the personnel's travel information: Departure Date Return Date Travel Location(s) At the Description section, comment any special and necessary access/informatiFew readersIT Travel Notice Procedure
Administrative Assistants of each school/college are required to have a Helpdesk account. If this is not already in place, training and instructions will be given accordingly. All UOG Staff/Personnel are required to provide in advance a one week notice to the Office of IT prior to any off-island departure. Notice will be done by notifying the departments appropriate administrative assistant to file a helpdesk ticket on the personnel's behalf. See below for how to create a helpdesk ticketFew readersOnline Privacy
The University of Guam (UOG) safeguards the privacy of all visitors to our websites and applications. This notice describes our privacy policy as it relates to the collection, protection and disclosure of information resulting from the use of University websites and applications; both information that is collected automatically and information you provide voluntarily. The University of Guam does not redistribute or sell personal information collected through our websites and applications.Few readersI recently changed my phone and I'm locked out because of MFA! Help!
If you've recently changed your phone and are unable to authenticate because your Authenticator app isn’t configured on your new device, you’ll need to reset your MFA settings. This will allow you to reconfigure it when you log in next time. Please reach out to us at or call 671-735-2640 for assistance. Follow the steps to setup Multi-factor Authentication here (httpsFew readers